For Mr. Floyd From a Mom

When I watched the compiled video of the murder in Minneapolis, I was shocked. I was angry. How can this still be happening?! What strange hell is this?

The video went on. And on.

They told him to get up while they knelt on his neck. Despite his fears, he agreed, but they did not move.

They did not move.

When he finally called for his Mama I started crying and it would not stop. I could not stop.

In his last moments he called on the person he knew loved him in spite of anything and everything.

In the face of the hatred that pinned him to the ground as it was taking his life, he called upon that love to set him free.

We cannot stop crying. For that is how the magick happens.

We focus all we have on the thing that needs to be. Not what is. But our truest desire. The only outcome that can save us all.

We put our heart and souls into that vision. We cry every last tear in our bodies. We pour ourselves into it. We hold nothing back.

We create this ball of energetic potential and fill it with our everything. Then release it into the world to power the movement…to feed the change.

Cry for George Floyd and the countless others who came before him.

Cry so he can be the last victim of hate.

You had better be crying, motherfuckers.
